Breast Cancer - VChangeU

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Each year Breast Cancer claims the lives of 4,65,000 women around the world.

Every 1 in 8 women suffers from Breast Cancer. It is said to be the second most popular reason for deaths in women due to cancer, the first being lung cancer. For every 4 diagnosis of cancer in women, 1 is of the breast.

Breast cancer is one of the most typical and dangerous form of cancer that develops within the breast tissue. Breast cancers are classified as hormone-positive tumors or hormone-negative, which is determined by their sensitivity to hormones like progesterone and estrogen.

Breast cancer develops on the background of precancerous diseases, which include mastitis and fibroadenoma. Initial symptoms of breast cancer is really very minor, almost not disturbed woman, and forget about them easily. But time passes and these symptoms increase, are new, more pronounced changes, which significantly disturb the patient. Observed deformation of the breast, skin discoloration, swelling, and soon there are metastases to nearby lymph nodes. Growing and increasing in size, the tumor penetrates into the surrounding tissues: skin, tissue, ribs, there are strong pain. Woman forced to go to the doctor, but treatment at this point is often ineffective. Many opportunities forever lost, to be a difficult treatment and its results uncertain.

The options for treating breast cancer based on this type of breast cancer and staging results. Staging is the process by which the disease spreads and gradually expand determined. This common type of cancer is widely recognized as a fatal disease.
Regular use of different breast cancer

Many effective treatments against breast cancer are classified as clinical treatment and the standard. Normal techniques for the treatment of breast cancer are generally common. Some of the typical treatments are surgery, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted therapy.
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Male Breast Cancer

It is a common misconception that only women can suffer from breast cancer. The cancer attacks the cells in the body and can be found in men as easily as in women. The breast cancer symptoms to watch out for are similar. The lump or swelling is again an indicator of possible breast cancer and should be checked immediately. Other breast cancer symptoms found in men are: skin dimpling, retraction of the nipple, redness and scaling of the breast skin, nipple discharge. If any of these breast cancer symptoms are present then a medical professional should be consulted immediately.

Triple-Negative Breast Cancers

12-17% of women with breast cancer have  triple-negative breast cancer.

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10 Foods to prevent Breast Cancer

According to research by experts, there are some natural foods that can help prevent this deadly disease.

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Seeking breast cancer support is very important when suffering from the disease

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Must Know

If treatment is started in stage I breast cancer, cure is achieved in more than 90% of cases.
In stage II - 60%.
In stage III - 40%.
In stage IV - 10%.
Identification of the disease at an early stage increases the possibility of treatment.

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Must Do

Monthly breast self-exams should always include: visual inspection (with and without a mirror) to note any changes in contour or texture, and manual inspection in standing and reclining positions to note any unusual lumps or thicknesses.

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Breast Examination by a Health Professional.

Women ages 20 - 49 should have a physical examination by a health professional every 1 - 2 years. Those over age 50 should be examined annually.

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common methods of cancer treatment

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